The California ISO has scheduled hybrid stakeholder working groups for Price Formation Enhancements. These meetings will be offered virtually and in-person at the California ISO in Folsom, California. In the upcoming Price Formation Enhancements Working Group, we will be navigating through two complex yet essential topics, each characterized by a unique set of goals and issues. The preliminary list below is designed to help contextualize and lay out the scope and issues that have already been raised to date on these topics by both Stakeholders and CAISO. However, this list is by no means comprehensive or final. It serves as a starting point for discussion, allowing for the introduction of fresh perspectives and unanticipated matters that may arise as we delve deeper into working group discussions. We encourage Stakeholders to revisit and consider these ideas to empower your active participation in the working group sessions. The objective is to provide stakeholders ample time to gather their thoughts, shape perspectives, and, if desired, prepare any presentations they wish to deliver.

The first working group (August 3) will focus on scarcity pricing enhancements and Balancing Authority Area (BAA) level market power mitigation. 

 The second working group (August 10) will continue to focus on scarcity pricing enhancements and Balancing Authority Area (BAA) level market power mitigation.

Note: We welcome and encourage your in-person participation, but we are requiring anyone attending the meeting in person to complete an onsite COVID-19 screening questionnaire. We look forward to seeing you.

Registrant Information

Location Information

  • California ISO
  • 250 Outcropping Way, Folsom, CA, 95630 US
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